I appreciate that psychotherapy can seem very expensive, and very few people want to spend years "on the couch". My approach is to make each session effective and transformative. A session can be either 60 or 90 minutes.
Trauma I find that people work through trauma best in 90 minutes. That is a good amount of time to go deep into the issue, make new decisions inside yourself, and come out with a practical plan as to how to move forward in daily life. While sessions do not have to be every week, usually we need a certain number of sessions to make real change happen. When dealing with trauma, I suggest you plan to give yourself 8 sessions at 90 minutes each in order to experience a real difference. More complex trauma may require further sessions to completely deal with it; however, in my experience, you will feel a difference after 8 sessions.
Referrals Both professional and self-referrals are welcome. I have great results with adults and teenagers.
Fees $150 per hour. $225 per 90 minute trauma appointment. Private payment only.